Sunday, July 28, 2013

Don't Lose Faith in Humanity

This morning I was driving down Glenwood Road, headed to our school to work in the garden. As I approached the Candler Road intersection, I suddenly saw an accident scene that had obviously just occurred. I pulled off the road immediately. There were at least two cars involved and one was a Dekalb police officer. I couldn't see him moving, so I got out expecting that I'd need to help.

This intersection, next to the former South Precinct, is a high crime area with a heavy police presence. Most of the people walking around the area do whatever they can to avoid any interaction with police officers. Not today. Before I could get to the cruiser, I saw people coming from all directions. One man shouted, "Call 9-1-1!" He and another man tried but couldn't get the officer's car door open. They worked at it and I could see them actually pry and work together to wrench the door open so that the officer would be able to be pulled out.

Others had gathered at the other vehicle and were assessing the other driver involved. Just as I was connected to the 9-1-1 operator, another cruiser pulled up and a fire truck and ambulance followed shortly after.

I don't know what injuries either driver suffered. I am praying for both of them. But I can truly say that what I witnessed today restored my faith in humanity and made me proud to be a citizen of Dekalb.